
iOS 中的 Category

2019.10.23 by kingcos
Date Notes Source Code Demo
2019-04-16 优化结构 - -
2019-04-13 首次提交 objc4-750xnu-4903.221.2 Category in iOS
2019-10-23 添加首图,细节微调 - -



iOS 中的 Category 中文常译作分类、类别(为表述统一,本文将使用 Category 特指该技术)。我们经常会使用 Category 来对一个类进行扩展,使得在不破坏主类结构的同时可以具备更多的功能;也可以使用 Category 对一个类进行拆分,使得其结构更加清晰条理。本文将从 What - How - Why 谈谈 iOS 中 Category。


什么是 Category 呢?

Category 是 Obj-C 语言中所提供的一项功能,它可以为 Obj-C 类添加额外的属性、方法,也可以遵守其他协议。


Xcode 中已经为 Category 已经提供了模版来建立,只需要指定 Category 的名称以及被添加 Category 类名即可。当然,我们也可以手动来自己建立,Category 的语法与类的声明与实现比较类似:

@interface Foo (Bar) <SomeProtocol>
- (void)foo;

@implementation Foo (Bar)
- (void)foo {}

- (void)someMethodFromProtocol {}


Category 通常都有哪些用处呢?


假如有一个人(Person),他需要工作(Work)和生活(Life),而工作和生活所做的事情显然是不一样的,那么我们就可以使用 Category 将人的这它们进行解耦:

@interface Person
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;

@implementation Person

// ---

@interface Person (Life)
- (void)playWithPet;

@implementation Person (Life)
- (void)playWithPet {}

// ---

@interface Person (Work)
- (void)codeForWork;

@implementation Person (Work)
- (void)codeForWork {}

这样,Person+Life 中可以定义与生活相关的方法,而 Person+Work 中将专注于工作。当人需要运动(Sports)时,只需要再为 Person 添加 Person+Sports 的 Category 即可,这并不需要改动主类本身从而实现了解耦。


使用 Xcode 模版新建 Category 后,将会自动创建两个文件:ClassName+CategoryName.h & ClassName+CategoryName.m。当我们不希望某个 Category 可以在外界访问时,只需要不把它作为公共头文件(Public Header)暴露出去即可,即实现了私有化。需要注意的是,同样可以实现私有化的方案是使用类扩展(Class Extension),其因语法相似但没有定义名称被很多人称为「匿名分类(Category)」。不过本质上说,Category 和类扩展是完全不同的:

// Class Extension
@interface Person ()
- (void)secret;

类扩展是可以定义在单独的 .h 或者 .m 中,其主要可以使得外界无法直接访问到定义的成员变量、属性或方法。关于类扩展与访问控制,可详见《Obj-C 中成员变量和类的访问控制》一文。


Category 不仅可以私有化,其实也可以「反私有化」。如果我们希望调用一个没有声明的方法,此时就可以在其 Category 或者类扩展中声明该方法,再进行调用。当然,Obj-C 中方法调用本质是消息发送,只要我们知道了消息的发送者和接收者,即使没有声明也总有方法来发送消息。


因为 Category 是支持遵守协议(Protocol)的,那么不同的 Category 就可以遵守不同的协议,实现类似「多继承」的特性。但为什么是加引号的「多继承」呢?因为这样的协议遵守只能获得方法的声明,却无法获得父类的具体实现。

@protocol LifeProtocol <NSObject>
- (void)playWithPet;

@interface Person (Life) <LifeProtocol>

@implementation Person (Life)
- (void)playWithPet {}

// ---

@protocol WorkProtocol <NSObject>
- (void) workHard;

@interface Person (Work) <WorkProtocol>

@implementation Person (Work)
- (void)workHard {}


Obj-C 中的 Category 底层是如何实现的呢?


// Person+Life.h
@protocol LifeProtocol <NSObject>
- (void)eat;

@interface Person (Life) <LifeProtocol>

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;

// Instance method
- (void)run;

// Class method
+ (void)foo;

// Protocol method
- (void)eat;


定义一个完整的 Person 类,它遵守了协议,存储了属性,并定义实现了对象方法和类方法。为了便于下面的分析,我们使用 xcrun -sdk iphoneos clang -arch arm64 -rewrite-objc Person+Life.m 命令将 Person+Life.m 翻译为 C/C++ 代码(Person+Life.cpp),关于翻译 Obj-C 代码的细节,可详见《将 Obj-C 代码翻译为 C++ 代码》一文。

// Person+Life.cpp
struct _category_t {
	const char *name;                               // 类名
	struct _class_t *cls;                           // 类指针
	const struct _method_list_t *instance_methods;  // 对象方法列表指针
	const struct _method_list_t *class_methods;     // 类方法列表指针
	const struct _protocol_list_t *protocols;       // 协议列表指针
	const struct _prop_list_t *properties;          // 属性列表指针

static struct _category_t _OBJC_$_CATEGORY_Person_$_Life __attribute__ ((used, section ("__DATA,__objc_const"))) =
	0, // &OBJC_CLASS_$_Person,
	(const struct _method_list_t *)&_OBJC_$_CATEGORY_INSTANCE_METHODS_Person_$_Life,
	(const struct _method_list_t *)&_OBJC_$_CATEGORY_CLASS_METHODS_Person_$_Life,
	(const struct _protocol_list_t *)&_OBJC_CATEGORY_PROTOCOLS_$_Person_$_Life,
	(const struct _prop_list_t *)&_OBJC_$_PROP_LIST_Person_$_Life,

// 对象方法列表
static struct /*_method_list_t*/ {
	unsigned int entsize;  // sizeof(struct _objc_method)
	unsigned int method_count;
	struct _objc_method method_list[2];
} _OBJC_$_CATEGORY_INSTANCE_METHODS_Person_$_Life __attribute__ ((used, section ("__DATA,__objc_const"))) = {
	{{(struct objc_selector *)"run", "v16@0:8", (void *)_I_Person_Life_run},
	{(struct objc_selector *)"eat", "v16@0:8", (void *)_I_Person_Life_eat}}

// 类方法列表
static struct /*_method_list_t*/ {
	unsigned int entsize;  // sizeof(struct _objc_method)
	unsigned int method_count;
	struct _objc_method method_list[1];
} _OBJC_$_CATEGORY_CLASS_METHODS_Person_$_Life __attribute__ ((used, section ("__DATA,__objc_const"))) = {
	{{(struct objc_selector *)"foo", "v16@0:8", (void *)_C_Person_Life_foo}}

// 协议列表
static struct /*_protocol_list_t*/ {
	long protocol_count;  // Note, this is 32/64 bit
	struct _protocol_t *super_protocols[1];
} _OBJC_CATEGORY_PROTOCOLS_$_Person_$_Life __attribute__ ((used, section ("__DATA,__objc_const"))) = {

// 属性列表
static struct /*_prop_list_t*/ {
	unsigned int entsize;  // sizeof(struct _prop_t)
	unsigned int count_of_properties;
	struct _prop_t prop_list[1];
} _OBJC_$_PROP_LIST_Person_$_Life __attribute__ ((used, section ("__DATA,__objc_const"))) = {

在翻译后的 C++ 源代码中,我们可以发现一个名称和 Category 相关的结构体定义:_category_t,该结构体表示了 Obj-C 中 Category 的实际结构;_OBJC_$_CATEGORY_Person_$_Life 则就是我们定义的 Person+Life Category。_category_t 结构体中存储了类名、类指针、对象方法列表指针、类方法列表指针、协议列表指针、以及属性列表指针,所以 Category 中支持遵守协议、声明属性、以及定义实现对象方法和类方法(不支持定义成员变量)。当然,在 Apple 开源的 objc4 中,也可以找到 category_t 结构体:

// objc-runtime-new.h
struct category_t {
    const char *name;
    classref_t cls;
    struct method_list_t *instanceMethods;
    struct method_list_t *classMethods;
    struct protocol_list_t *protocols;
    struct property_list_t *instanceProperties;
    // Fields below this point are not always present on disk.
    // 以下内容并不能保证会在磁盘中展示
    struct property_list_t *_classProperties;

    method_list_t *methodsForMeta(bool isMeta) {
        if (isMeta) return classMethods;
        else return instanceMethods;

    property_list_t *propertiesForMeta(bool isMeta, struct header_info *hi);


当我们的代码编译完,Category 中的信息就将被存储在 category_t 的结构体中,那么运行时的 Category 又会变成什么样呢?


我们尝试分别在 Person 主类、Person+Life 和 Person+Work Category 中定义并实现完全相同的 smile 方法。有个细节是,我们在 Category 中实现主类中已经实现的方法时,编译器会警告「Category is implementing a method which will also be implemented by its primary class」,这又是为什么呢?

// Person.h
@interface Person : NSObject
- (void)smile;

// Person+Life.h
@interface Person (Life) <LifeProtocol>
// ...

- (void)smile;

// Person+Work.h
@interface Person (Work)
- (void)smile;

// main.m
Person *p = [[Person alloc] init];
[p smile];

// Person (Work) - -[Person(Work) smile]

当我们运行程序,发现最终只输出了一句,并且是调用到了 Person+Work Category 中的方法。那么先说结论:当 Category 中实现了主类中同一个方法时,将总是调用 Category 中的方法(这也是为何编译器警告的原因);当存在多个 Category 实现同一个方法时,将总是调用最后被编译的 Category 中的方法。如何查看文件的编译顺序呢?在 Xcode -「Build Phases」-「Compile Sources」中,靠前的即是最先被编译的:



为了证明上述结论,我们需要在 objc4 的源码中,从 Obj-C 运行时初始化的入口着手,即 _objc_init

// objc-os.mm
* _objc_init
* Bootstrap initialization. Registers our image notifier with dyld.
* 引导初始化。使用 dyld 注册镜像通知器。
* Called by libSystem BEFORE library initialization time
* 在库初始化时间之前由 libSystem 调用

void _objc_init(void)
    static bool initialized = false;
    if (initialized) return;
    initialized = true;

    // fixme defer initialization until an objc-using image is found?

    // ➡️ dyld 注册通知;map_images:映射镜像,load_images:加载镜像,unmap_image:反映射镜像
    _dyld_objc_notify_register(&map_images, load_images, unmap_image);

// objc-runtime-new.mm
* map_images
* Process the given images which are being mapped in by dyld.
* 由 dyld 处理给定将要映射的镜像。
* Calls ABI-agnostic code after taking ABI-specific locks.
* 加上指定 ABI 锁后调用 ABI 无关(agnostic)的代码。
* Locking: write-locks runtimeLock
* 锁:写锁 runtimeLock
map_images(unsigned count, const char * const paths[],
           const struct mach_header * const mhdrs[])
    // 互斥锁
    mutex_locker_t lock(runtimeLock);
    // ➡️ map_images_nolock:映射镜像(无锁)
    return map_images_nolock(count, paths, mhdrs);

// objc-os.mm
map_images_nolock(unsigned mhCount, const char * const mhPaths[],
                  const struct mach_header * const mhdrs[])
    static bool firstTime = YES;
    header_info *hList[mhCount];
    uint32_t hCount;
    size_t selrefCount = 0;

    // Perform first-time initialization if necessary.
    // 必要时执行首次初始化。
    // This function is called before ordinary library initializers.
    // 在普通库构造方法之前调用该函数。
    // fixme defer initialization until an objc-using image is found?
    if (firstTime) {

    // Xcode 中 OBJC_PRINT_IMAGES 环境变量值为 YES 时,将可在控制台打印该信息
    // OPTION(PrintImages, OBJC_PRINT_IMAGES, "log image and library names as they are loaded")
    if (PrintImages) {
        _objc_inform("IMAGES: processing %u newly-mapped images...\n", mhCount);

    // Find all images with Objective-C metadata.
    // 使用 Obj-C 元数据查找所有镜像。
    hCount = 0;

    // Count classes. Size various table based on the total.
    // 计算类。根据总数计算不同的表。
    int totalClasses = 0;
    int unoptimizedTotalClasses = 0;
        uint32_t i = mhCount;
        // 遍历 mach-o header
        while (i--) {
            const headerType *mhdr = (const headerType *)mhdrs[i];

            // ➡️ addHeader:添加头部信息(计算类的总数、未优化的类总数)
            auto hi = addHeader(mhdr, mhPaths[i], totalClasses, unoptimizedTotalClasses);
            if (!hi) {
                // no objc data in this entry
                // 若 hi 为空,则该条目没有 Obj-C 数据

            // 判断文件类型是否是可执行文件
            // #define	MH_EXECUTE	0x2		/* demand paged executable file */
            if (mhdr->filetype == MH_EXECUTE) {
                // Size some data structures based on main executable's size
                // 根据主可执行文件的大小调整一些数据结构的大小
#if __OBJC2__
                size_t count;

                // 在 __objc_selrefs 节获取 SEL 引用(此处可参考 Mach-O 或 Link Map 文件中 Sections 部分)
                // GETSECT(_getObjc2SelectorRefs,        SEL,             "__objc_selrefs");
                _getObjc2SelectorRefs(hi, &count);
                selrefCount += count;
                // 在 __objc_msgrefs 节获取消息引用
                // GETSECT(_getObjc2MessageRefs,         message_ref_t,   "__objc_msgrefs");
                _getObjc2MessageRefs(hi, &count);
                selrefCount += count;
                _getObjcSelectorRefs(hi, &selrefCount);

                // Halt if this is a GC app.
                if (shouldRejectGCApp(hi)) {
                         "Objective-C garbage collection "
                         "is no longer supported.");

            // hList 保存 hi 并 hCount 自增
            hList[hCount++] = hi;

            if (PrintImages) {
                _objc_inform("IMAGES: loading image for %s%s%s%s%s\n",
                             mhdr->filetype == MH_BUNDLE ? " (bundle)" : "",
                             hi->info()->isReplacement() ? " (replacement)" : "",
                             hi->info()->hasCategoryClassProperties() ? " (has class properties)" : "",
                             hi->info()->optimizedByDyld()?" (preoptimized)":"");

    // Perform one-time runtime initialization that must be deferred until
    // the executable itself is found. This needs to be done before
    // further initialization.
    // (The executable may not be present in this infoList if the
    // executable does not contain Objective-C code but Objective-C
    // is dynamically loaded later.
    // 在找到可执行文件本身之前必须延迟执行一次性运行时初始化。
    // 这需要在进一步初始化之前完成。
    // (如果可执行文件不包含 Obj-C 代码但 Obj-C 在之后动态加载,则 infoList 中可能不包含该可执行文件。)
    if (firstTime) {

        // Reject any GC images linked to the main executable.
        // We already rejected the app itself above.
        // Images loaded after launch will be rejected by dyld.

        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hCount; i++) {
            auto hi = hList[i];
            auto mh = hi->mhdr();
            if (mh->filetype != MH_EXECUTE  &&  shouldRejectGCImage(mh)) {
                     "%s requires Objective-C garbage collection "
                     "which is no longer supported.", hi->fname());

        // Disable +initialize fork safety if the app is too old (< 10.13).
        // Disable +initialize fork safety if the app has a
        //   __DATA,__objc_fork_ok section.

        if (dyld_get_program_sdk_version() < DYLD_MACOSX_VERSION_10_13) {
            DisableInitializeForkSafety = true;
            if (PrintInitializing) {
                _objc_inform("INITIALIZE: disabling +initialize fork "
                             "safety enforcement because the app is "
                             "too old (SDK version " SDK_FORMAT ")",

        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hCount; i++) {
            auto hi = hList[i];
            auto mh = hi->mhdr();
            if (mh->filetype != MH_EXECUTE) continue;
            unsigned long size;
            if (getsectiondata(hi->mhdr(), "__DATA", "__objc_fork_ok", &size)) {
                DisableInitializeForkSafety = true;
                if (PrintInitializing) {
                    _objc_inform("INITIALIZE: disabling +initialize fork "
                                 "safety enforcement because the app has "
                                 "a __DATA,__objc_fork_ok section");
            break;  // assume only one MH_EXECUTE image


    if (hCount > 0) {
        // ➡️ 读取镜像(传入 header_info 列表,数量,类的总数,未优化的类的总数)
        _read_images(hList, hCount, totalClasses, unoptimizedTotalClasses);

    // 第一次执行完毕后,置为 NO
    firstTime = NO;

// objc-os.mm
static header_info * addHeader(const headerType *mhdr, const char *path, int &totalClasses, int &unoptimizedTotalClasses)
    header_info *hi;

    if (bad_magic(mhdr)) return NULL;

    bool inSharedCache = false;

    // Look for hinfo from the dyld shared cache.
    // 在 dyld 共享缓存中寻找 hinfo(关于 dyld 共享缓存可参考文末「谈谈 iOS 中的 dyld_shared_cache」一文)。
    // 为头部预优化 hinfo
    hi = preoptimizedHinfoForHeader(mhdr);
    if (hi) {
        // Found an hinfo in the dyld shared cache.
        // 在 dyld 共享缓存中找到 hinfo

        // Weed out duplicates.
        // 去除重复(若该 hi 已被加载,则返回空)。
        if (hi->isLoaded()) {
            return NULL;

        inSharedCache = true;

        // Initialize fields not set by the shared cache
        // 初始化未由共享缓存设置的域
        // hi->next is set by appendHeader
        // hi->next 由 appendHeader 设置
        // 设置已加载为 true

        // Xcode 中 OBJC_PRINT_PREOPTIMIZATION 环境变量值为 YES 时,将可在控制台打印该信息
        // OPTION(PrintPreopt, OBJC_PRINT_PREOPTIMIZATION, "log preoptimization courtesy of dyld shared cache")
        if (PrintPreopt) {
            _objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: honoring preoptimized header info at %p for %s", hi, hi->fname());

#if !__OBJC2__
        _objc_fatal("shouldn't be here");
        // Verify image_info
        // DEBUG 模式校验 image_info
        size_t info_size = 0;
        const objc_image_info *image_info = _getObjcImageInfo(mhdr,&info_size);
        assert(image_info == hi->info());
        // Didn't find an hinfo in the dyld shared cache.
        // 在 dyld 共享缓存中未找到 hinfo。

        // Weed out duplicates
        // 去除重复
        for (hi = FirstHeader; hi; hi = hi->getNext()) {
            if (mhdr == hi->mhdr()) return NULL;

        // Locate the __OBJC segment
        // 定位 __OBJC 段(Segment)
        size_t info_size = 0;
        unsigned long seg_size;
        // _getObjcImageInfo:内部实际是获取 __objc_imageinfo 数据(__DATA 或 __DATA_CONST 或 __DATA_DIRTY)节(Section)信息
        const objc_image_info *image_info = _getObjcImageInfo(mhdr,&info_size);
        // getsegmentdata:获取 __OBJC 段数据
        // #define	SEG_OBJC	"__OBJC"	/* objective-C runtime segment */
        const uint8_t *objc_segment = getsegmentdata(mhdr,SEG_OBJC,&seg_size);
        // 若都没有获取到,返回空
        if (!objc_segment  &&  !image_info) return NULL;

        // Allocate a header_info entry.
        // 分配一个 header_info。
        // Note we also allocate space for a single header_info_rw in the
        // rw_data[] inside header_info.
        // 注意我们在 header_info 内部的 rw_data[] 也为单个 header_info_rw 分配了空间。
        hi = (header_info *)calloc(sizeof(header_info) + sizeof(header_info_rw), 1);

        // Set up the new header_info entry.
        // 设置新的 header_info。
#if !__OBJC2__
        // mhdr must already be set
        hi->mod_count = 0;
        hi->mod_ptr = _getObjcModules(hi, &hi->mod_count);
        // Install a placeholder image_info if absent to simplify code elsewhere
        // 如果没有在其他地方简化代码则安装占位符 image_info
        static const objc_image_info emptyInfo = {0, 0};
        hi->setinfo(image_info ?: &emptyInfo);

        // 设置已加载为 true

#if __OBJC2__
        size_t count = 0;
        // 在 __objc_classlist 节获取类列表
        // GETSECT(_getObjc2ClassList,           classref_t,      "__objc_classlist");
        if (_getObjc2ClassList(hi, &count)) {
            // totalClasses 设置为获取到的类数量
            totalClasses += (int)count;
            // 若获取的 header_info 不在共享缓存中,则视为未优化类,更新 unoptimizedTotalClasses
            if (!inSharedCache) unoptimizedTotalClasses += count;


    return hi;

// objc-runtime-new.mm
* _read_images
* Perform initial processing of the headers in the linked
* list beginning with headerList.
* 从 headerList 开始为链表中的头部执行初始处理。
* Called by: map_images_nolock
* 由 map_images_nolock 调用
* Locking: runtimeLock acquired by map_images
* 锁:由 map_images 获得的 runtimeLock
void _read_images(header_info **hList, uint32_t hCount, int totalClasses, int unoptimizedTotalClasses)
    header_info *hi;
    uint32_t hIndex;
    size_t count;
    size_t i;
    Class *resolvedFutureClasses = nil;
    size_t resolvedFutureClassCount = 0;
    static bool doneOnce;
    TimeLogger ts(PrintImageTimes);


#define EACH_HEADER \
    hIndex = 0;         \
    hIndex < hCount && (hi = hList[hIndex]); \

    if (!doneOnce) {
        doneOnce = YES;

        // Disable non-pointer isa under some conditions.

        // Disable nonpointer isa if any image contains old Swift code
        for (EACH_HEADER) {
            if (hi->info()->containsSwift()  &&
                hi->info()->swiftVersion() < objc_image_info::SwiftVersion3)
                DisableNonpointerIsa = true;
                if (PrintRawIsa) {
                    _objc_inform("RAW ISA: disabling non-pointer isa because "
                                 "the app or a framework contains Swift code "
                                 "older than Swift 3.0");
# endif

        // Disable non-pointer isa if the app is too old
        // (linked before OS X 10.11)
        if (dyld_get_program_sdk_version() < DYLD_MACOSX_VERSION_10_11) {
            DisableNonpointerIsa = true;
            if (PrintRawIsa) {
                _objc_inform("RAW ISA: disabling non-pointer isa because "
                             "the app is too old (SDK version " SDK_FORMAT ")",

        // Disable non-pointer isa if the app has a __DATA,__objc_rawisa section
        // New apps that load old extensions may need this.
        for (EACH_HEADER) {
            if (hi->mhdr()->filetype != MH_EXECUTE) continue;
            unsigned long size;
            if (getsectiondata(hi->mhdr(), "__DATA", "__objc_rawisa", &size)) {
                DisableNonpointerIsa = true;
                if (PrintRawIsa) {
                    _objc_inform("RAW ISA: disabling non-pointer isa because "
                                 "the app has a __DATA,__objc_rawisa section");
            break;  // assume only one MH_EXECUTE image
# endif


        if (DisableTaggedPointers) {


        if (PrintConnecting) {
            _objc_inform("CLASS: found %d classes during launch", totalClasses);

        // namedClasses
        // Preoptimized classes don't go in this table.
        // 4/3 is NXMapTable's load factor
        int namedClassesSize =
            (isPreoptimized() ? unoptimizedTotalClasses : totalClasses) * 4 / 3;
        gdb_objc_realized_classes =
            NXCreateMapTable(NXStrValueMapPrototype, namedClassesSize);

        allocatedClasses = NXCreateHashTable(NXPtrPrototype, 0, nil);

        ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: first time tasks");

    // Discover classes. Fix up unresolved future classes. Mark bundle classes.

    for (EACH_HEADER) {
        classref_t *classlist = _getObjc2ClassList(hi, &count);

        if (! mustReadClasses(hi)) {
            // Image is sufficiently optimized that we need not call readClass()

        bool headerIsBundle = hi->isBundle();
        bool headerIsPreoptimized = hi->isPreoptimized();

        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            Class cls = (Class)classlist[i];
            Class newCls = readClass(cls, headerIsBundle, headerIsPreoptimized);

            if (newCls != cls  &&  newCls) {
                // Class was moved but not deleted. Currently this occurs
                // only when the new class resolved a future class.
                // Non-lazily realize the class below.
                resolvedFutureClasses = (Class *)
                            (resolvedFutureClassCount+1) * sizeof(Class));
                resolvedFutureClasses[resolvedFutureClassCount++] = newCls;

    ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: discover classes");

    // Fix up remapped classes
    // Class list and nonlazy class list remain unremapped.
    // Class refs and super refs are remapped for message dispatching.

    if (!noClassesRemapped()) {
        for (EACH_HEADER) {
            Class *classrefs = _getObjc2ClassRefs(hi, &count);
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            // fixme why doesn't test future1 catch the absence of this?
            classrefs = _getObjc2SuperRefs(hi, &count);
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {

    ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: remap classes");

    // Fix up @selector references
    static size_t UnfixedSelectors;
        mutex_locker_t lock(selLock);
        for (EACH_HEADER) {
            if (hi->isPreoptimized()) continue;

            bool isBundle = hi->isBundle();
            SEL *sels = _getObjc2SelectorRefs(hi, &count);
            UnfixedSelectors += count;
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                const char *name = sel_cname(sels[i]);
                sels[i] = sel_registerNameNoLock(name, isBundle);

    ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: fix up selector references");

    // Fix up old objc_msgSend_fixup call sites
    for (EACH_HEADER) {
        message_ref_t *refs = _getObjc2MessageRefs(hi, &count);
        if (count == 0) continue;

        if (PrintVtables) {
            _objc_inform("VTABLES: repairing %zu unsupported vtable dispatch "
                         "call sites in %s", count, hi->fname());
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {

    ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: fix up objc_msgSend_fixup");

    // Discover protocols. Fix up protocol refs.
    for (EACH_HEADER) {
        extern objc_class OBJC_CLASS_$_Protocol;
        Class cls = (Class)&OBJC_CLASS_$_Protocol;
        NXMapTable *protocol_map = protocols();
        bool isPreoptimized = hi->isPreoptimized();
        bool isBundle = hi->isBundle();

        protocol_t **protolist = _getObjc2ProtocolList(hi, &count);
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            readProtocol(protolist[i], cls, protocol_map,
                         isPreoptimized, isBundle);

    ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: discover protocols");

    // Fix up @protocol references
    // Preoptimized images may have the right
    // answer already but we don't know for sure.
    for (EACH_HEADER) {
        protocol_t **protolist = _getObjc2ProtocolRefs(hi, &count);
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {

    ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: fix up @protocol references");

    // Realize non-lazy classes (for +load methods and static instances)
    for (EACH_HEADER) {
        classref_t *classlist =
            _getObjc2NonlazyClassList(hi, &count);
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            Class cls = remapClass(classlist[i]);
            if (!cls) continue;

            // hack for class __ARCLite__, which didn't get this above
            if (cls->cache._buckets == (void*)&_objc_empty_cache  &&
                (cls->cache._mask  ||  cls->cache._occupied))
                cls->cache._mask = 0;
                cls->cache._occupied = 0;
            if (cls->ISA()->cache._buckets == (void*)&_objc_empty_cache  &&
                (cls->ISA()->cache._mask  ||  cls->ISA()->cache._occupied))
                cls->ISA()->cache._mask = 0;
                cls->ISA()->cache._occupied = 0;


    ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: realize non-lazy classes");

    // Realize newly-resolved future classes, in case CF manipulates them
    if (resolvedFutureClasses) {
        for (i = 0; i < resolvedFutureClassCount; i++) {

    ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: realize future classes");

    // ➡️ Category
    // Discover categories.
    // 发现 Category。
    // 遍历 hList 中的 header_info
    for (EACH_HEADER) {
        // 在 __objc_catlist 节获取 Category 列表
        // GETSECT(_getObjc2CategoryList,        category_t *,    "__objc_catlist");
        category_t **catlist =
            _getObjc2CategoryList(hi, &count);
        bool hasClassProperties = hi->info()->hasCategoryClassProperties();

        // 遍历 Category
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            // 获取第 i 个 Category,类型为 category_t
            category_t *cat = catlist[i];
            // 根据 Category 的 cls 重新映射类
            Class cls = remapClass(cat->cls);

            // 类为空时
            if (!cls) {
                // Category's target class is missing (probably weak-linked).
                // Category 的目标类丢失(可能为弱链接)。
                // Disavow any knowledge of this category.
                // 否认对此 Category 的任何了解。
                // 将 Category 置为 nil
                catlist[i] = nil;
                if (PrintConnecting) {
                    _objc_inform("CLASS: IGNORING category \?\?\?(%s) %p with "
                                 "missing weak-linked target class",
                                 cat->name, cat);

            // 类非空时

            // Process this category.
            // First, register the category with its target class.
            // Then, rebuild the class's method lists (etc) if
            // the class is realized.
            // 处理该 Category。
            // 首先,使用目标类注册 Category。
            // 然后,如果实现了类,则重建类的方法列表(等)。
            bool classExists = NO;
            // 判断 Category 中存在对象方法、协议、或属性
            if (cat->instanceMethods ||  cat->protocols
                ||  cat->instanceProperties)
                // 记录未附加上的 Category
                addUnattachedCategoryForClass(cat, cls, hi);
                if (cls->isRealized()) {
                    // ➡️ 如果实现了类,重建类
                    classExists = YES;
                if (PrintConnecting) {
                    _objc_inform("CLASS: found category -%s(%s) %s",
                                 cls->nameForLogging(), cat->name,
                                 classExists ? "on existing class" : "");

            // 判断 Category 中存在类方法、协议、或类属性
            if (cat->classMethods  ||  cat->protocols
                ||  (hasClassProperties && cat->_classProperties))
                // 记录未附加上的 Category
                addUnattachedCategoryForClass(cat, cls->ISA(), hi);
                if (cls->ISA()->isRealized()) {
                    // ➡️  如果实现了元类,重建元类
                if (PrintConnecting) {
                    _objc_inform("CLASS: found category +%s(%s)",
                                 cls->nameForLogging(), cat->name);

    ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: discover categories");

    // Category discovery MUST BE LAST to avoid potential races
    // when other threads call the new category code before
    // this thread finishes its fixups.

    // +load handled by prepare_load_methods()

    if (DebugNonFragileIvars) {

    // Print preoptimization statistics
    if (PrintPreopt) {
        static unsigned int PreoptTotalMethodLists;
        static unsigned int PreoptOptimizedMethodLists;
        static unsigned int PreoptTotalClasses;
        static unsigned int PreoptOptimizedClasses;

        for (EACH_HEADER) {
            if (hi->isPreoptimized()) {
                _objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: honoring preoptimized selectors "
                             "in %s", hi->fname());
            else if (hi->info()->optimizedByDyld()) {
                _objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: IGNORING preoptimized selectors "
                             "in %s", hi->fname());

            classref_t *classlist = _getObjc2ClassList(hi, &count);
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                Class cls = remapClass(classlist[i]);
                if (!cls) continue;

                if (hi->isPreoptimized()) {

                const method_list_t *mlist;
                if ((mlist = ((class_ro_t *)cls->data())->baseMethods())) {
                    if (mlist->isFixedUp()) {
                if ((mlist=((class_ro_t *)cls->ISA()->data())->baseMethods())) {
                    if (mlist->isFixedUp()) {

        _objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: %zu selector references not "
                     "pre-optimized", UnfixedSelectors);
        _objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: %u/%u (%.3g%%) method lists pre-sorted",
                     PreoptOptimizedMethodLists, PreoptTotalMethodLists,
                     ? 100.0*PreoptOptimizedMethodLists/PreoptTotalMethodLists
                     : 0.0);
        _objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: %u/%u (%.3g%%) classes pre-registered",
                     PreoptOptimizedClasses, PreoptTotalClasses,
                     ? 100.0*PreoptOptimizedClasses/PreoptTotalClasses
                     : 0.0);
        _objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: %zu protocol references not "
                     "pre-optimized", UnfixedProtocolReferences);


// objc-runtime-new.mm
* remethodizeClass
* Attach outstanding categories to an existing class.
* 将未完成的 Category 附加到现有类。
* Fixes up cls's method list, protocol list, and property list.
* 修复 cls 的方法列表、协议列表、以及属性列表。
* Updates method caches for cls and its subclasses.
* 更新 cls 以及其子类的方法缓存。
* Locking: runtimeLock must be held by the caller
* 锁:调用者必须持有 runtimeLock
static void remethodizeClass(Class cls)
    // Category 列表
    category_list *cats;
    bool isMeta;


    // 是否为元类
    isMeta = cls->isMetaClass();

    // Re-methodizing: check for more categories
    // 重新方法化:检查更多的 Category
    if ((cats = unattachedCategoriesForClass(cls, false/*not realizing*/))) {
        if (PrintConnecting) {
            _objc_inform("CLASS: attaching categories to class '%s' %s",
                         cls->nameForLogging(), isMeta ? "(meta)" : "");

        // ➡️ 附加 Category(类/元类,Category,是否刷新缓存)
        attachCategories(cls, cats, true /*flush caches*/);

// objc-runtime-new.mm
// Attach method lists and properties and protocols from categories to a class.
// 将所有 Category 的方法列表、属性列表、协议列表附加到类上。
// Assumes the categories in cats are all loaded and sorted by load order,
// oldest categories first.
// 假设 cats 中的 Category 都已加载并由加载顺序排序,则最后(编译)的 Category 排在最先。
static void
attachCategories(Class cls, category_list *cats, bool flush_caches)
    if (!cats) return;
    // ➡️ Xcode 中 OBJC_PRINT_REPLACED_METHODS 环境变量值为 YES 时,将可在控制台打印该信息
    // OPTION(PrintReplacedMethods, OBJC_PRINT_REPLACED_METHODS, "log methods replaced by category implementations")
    if (PrintReplacedMethods) printReplacements(cls, cats);

    // 是否是元类
    bool isMeta = cls->isMetaClass();

    // fixme rearrange to remove these intermediate allocations
    // 方法列表(指向指针的指针,存储了两维:eg. [[cat_1->method_a, cat_1->method_b], [cat_2->method_c, cat_2->method_d]])
    method_list_t **mlists = (method_list_t **)
        malloc(cats->count * sizeof(*mlists));
    // 属性列表
    property_list_t **proplists = (property_list_t **)
        malloc(cats->count * sizeof(*proplists));
    // 协议列表
    protocol_list_t **protolists = (protocol_list_t **)
        malloc(cats->count * sizeof(*protolists));

    // Count backwards through cats to get newest categories first
    int mcount = 0;
    int propcount = 0;
    int protocount = 0;
    // i = Category 的个数
    int i = cats->count;
    bool fromBundle = NO;
    // ➡️ 将所有 Category 中的方法、属性、协议提取出
    // 倒数 i
    while (i--) {
        // entry = 一个 Category
        auto& entry = cats->list[i];

        // mlist = Category 中的方法列表
        method_list_t *mlist = entry.cat->methodsForMeta(isMeta);
        if (mlist) {
            mlists[mcount++] = mlist;
            fromBundle |= entry.hi->isBundle();

        // proplist = Category 中的属性列表
        property_list_t *proplist =
            entry.cat->propertiesForMeta(isMeta, entry.hi);
        if (proplist) {
            proplists[propcount++] = proplist;

        // protolist = Category 中的协议列表
        protocol_list_t *protolist = entry.cat->protocols;
        if (protolist) {
            protolists[protocount++] = protolist;

    // rw = 类/元类对象的 class_rw_t *data()
    auto rw = cls->data();

    prepareMethodLists(cls, mlists, mcount, NO, fromBundle);
    // ➡️ Category 方法列表 -> 类/元类方法列表,方法列表数量(上述二维中第一维的大小)
    rw->methods.attachLists(mlists, mcount);
    if (flush_caches  &&  mcount > 0) flushCaches(cls);

    // ➡️ Category 属性列表 -> 类/元类属性列表,属性列表数量(上述二维中第一维的大小)
    rw->properties.attachLists(proplists, propcount);

    // ➡️ Category 协议列表 -> 类/元类协议列表,协议列表数量(上述二维中第一维的大小)
    rw->protocols.attachLists(protolists, protocount);

// objc-runtime-new.h
class list_array_tt {
    void attachLists(List* const * addedLists, uint32_t addedCount) {
        if (addedCount == 0) return;

        if (hasArray()) {
            // many lists -> many lists
            // oldCount = 原有的大小
            uint32_t oldCount = array()->count;
            // newCount = 原有 + 新增
            uint32_t newCount = oldCount + addedCount;
            // realloc 重新分配内存空间(扩容)
            setArray((array_t *)realloc(array(), array_t::byteSize(newCount)));
            // 设置为新大小
            array()->count = newCount;
            // array()->lists 为原有列表的指针
            // 将指针指向的内存内容向后偏移 addedCount
            // void    *memmove(void *__dst, const void *__src, size_t __len);
            memmove(array()->lists + addedCount, array()->lists,
                    oldCount * sizeof(array()->lists[0]));
            // addedLists 为所有 Category 中相应列表(如方法列表等)的指针
            // 将指针指向的内存内容拷贝到原有列表的指针地址处
            // void    *memcpy(void *__dst, const void *__src, size_t __n);
            memcpy(array()->lists, addedLists,
                   addedCount * sizeof(array()->lists[0]));
        else if (!list  &&  addedCount == 1) {
            // 0 lists -> 1 list
            list = addedLists[0];
        else {
            // 1 list -> many lists
            List* oldList = list;
            uint32_t oldCount = oldList ? 1 : 0;
            uint32_t newCount = oldCount + addedCount;
            setArray((array_t *)malloc(array_t::byteSize(newCount)));
            array()->count = newCount;
            if (oldList) array()->lists[addedCount] = oldList;
            memcpy(array()->lists, addedLists,
                   addedCount * sizeof(array()->lists[0]));

reallocmemmovememcpy 部分可以参考下图:


因此,对于 Category 在运行时将其中的方法、属性、协议加载到主类的过程搞明白后,之前的结论就水落石出。越靠后编译的 Category,其方法列表最终就越靠前。因此在调用时,虽然主类和其他 Category 中的方法并没有被覆盖,但会因为在前面已经被找到并调用而无法调用到。也是因为方法并没有被覆盖,如果我们在 Category 中仅声明却不实现,运行时仍将找到主类中的实现。从上面源码分析中我们也可以发现,在 Xcode 设置 OBJC_PRINT_REPLACED_METHODS 环境变量为 YES 后,就可以在运行时输出所有被替换的方法(若添加后仍未输出我们自定义类的替换信息,可以在尝试主类和所有 Category 中添加 + (void)load 方法实现后重试):

objc[17895]: REPLACED: -[Person smile]  by category Life  (IMP was 0x100001b90 (/Users/kingcos/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Category_in_Obj-C-cgesibqaizbvgnckrzeofmpfkmmy/Build/Products/Debug/Category_in_Obj-C), now 0x100001b00 (/Users/kingcos/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Category_in_Obj-C-cgesibqaizbvgnckrzeofmpfkmmy/Build/Products/Debug/Category_in_Obj-C))
objc[17895]: REPLACED: -[Person smile]  by category Work  (IMP was 0x100001b00 (/Users/kingcos/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Category_in_Obj-C-cgesibqaizbvgnckrzeofmpfkmmy/Build/Products/Debug/Category_in_Obj-C), now 0x100001b40 (/Users/kingcos/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Category_in_Obj-C-cgesibqaizbvgnckrzeofmpfkmmy/Build/Products/Debug/Category_in_Obj-C))

第一条的替换,是指 Person+Life 替换了 Person 中的 smile 方法,而第二条指 Person+Work 再次替换了 Person+Life 中的 smile 方法,因此最终也由 Person+Work 中的方法被调用,最终也与我们的结论一致。

memmove & memcpy

上一节中,Category 中内容列表与主类融合时,调用了 memmovememcpy 函数,它们其实是 C 语言标准库中的函数,目的都是将一定长度的源内存地址的内容拷贝到目标内存地址中。在 Apple 开源的 XNU - libsyscall 中,memmovememcpy 本质其实是一致的:

// _libc_funcptr.c
void *
memmove(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n)
	return _libkernel_string_functions->memmove(dst, src, n);

void *
memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n)
	return _libkernel_string_functions->memmove(dst, src, n);

// _libc_funcptr.c
 * Upcalls to optimized libplatform string functions

static const struct _libkernel_string_functions
		_libkernel_generic_string_functions = {
	.bzero = _libkernel_bzero,
	.memmove = _libkernel_memmove,
	.memset = _libkernel_memset,
	.strchr = _libkernel_strchr,
	.strcmp = _libkernel_strcmp,
	.strcpy = _libkernel_strcpy,
	.strlcpy = _libkernel_strlcpy,
	.strlen = _libkernel_strlen,
static _libkernel_string_functions_t _libkernel_string_functions =

// memcpy.c
 * sizeof(word) MUST BE A POWER OF TWO
typedef    int word;        /* "word" used for optimal copy speed "字"用作优化拷贝速度 */

#define    wsize    sizeof(word)
#define    wmask    (wsize - 1)

 * Copy a block of memory, handling overlap.
 * 拷贝一块内存,并处理重叠部分。
 * This is the routine that actually implements
 * (the portable versions of) bcopy, memcpy, and memmove.
 * 这是个实际实现了(可移植版本的)bcopy、memcpy、以及 memmove 的例行程序。

// visibility("hidden"):隐藏函数符号
void * _libkernel_memmove(void *dst0, const void *src0, size_t length)
    // 保存一份目标、源,但源是常量,而目标是可变的
    char *dst = dst0;
    const char *src = src0;
    size_t t;

    // 长度为 0 或目标等于源时,无需移动
    if (length == 0 || dst == src)        /* nothing to do */
        goto done;

     * Macros: loop-t-times; and loop-t-times, t>0
     * 定义循环宏,t 大于 0 时,循环 t 次
#define    TLOOP(s) if (t) TLOOP1(s)
#define    TLOOP1(s) do { s; } while (--t)

    // 如果源 > 目标(高地址 -> 低地址,小端就是向前)
    printf("(unsigned long)dst: %lu; (unsigned long)src: %lu\n", (unsigned long)dst, (unsigned long)src);
    if ((unsigned long)dst < (unsigned long)src) {
         * Copy forward.
         * 正向拷贝。
        // typedef unsigned long           uintptr_t;
        t = (uintptr_t)src;    /* only need low bits 只需要低位 */
        printf("(t | (uintptr_t)dst) & wmask: %lu\n", (t | (uintptr_t)dst) & wmask);
        if ((t | (uintptr_t)dst) & wmask) {
             * Try to align operands.  This cannot be done
             * unless the low bits match.
             * 尝试对齐操作数。除非低位匹配,否则不可这样做。
            if ((t ^ (uintptr_t)dst) & wmask || length < wsize)
                t = length;
                t = wsize - (t & wmask);
            length -= t;
//            TLOOP1(*dst++ = *src++);
            do {
                *dst++ = *src++;
            } while (--t);
         * Copy whole words, then mop up any trailing bytes.
         * 拷贝整个字,然后删除所有尾字节。
        t = length / wsize;
        printf("t: %zu\n", t);
//        TLOOP(*(word *)dst = *(word *)src; src += wsize; dst += wsize);
        if (t) {
            do {
                // 更改指针指向的一个字长的内容(src -> dst)
                *(word *)dst = *(word *)src;
                // dst & src 向前移动一个字长
                src += wsize;
                dst += wsize;
            } while (--t);
        printf("(unsigned long)dst: %lu; (unsigned long)src: %lu\n", (unsigned long)dst, (unsigned long)src);

        t = length & wmask;
        printf("t: %zu\n", t);
//        TLOOP(*dst++ = *src++);
        if (t) {
            do {
                *dst++ = *src++;
            } while (--t);
    } else {
         * Copy backwards.  Otherwise essentially the same.
         * Alignment works as before, except that it takes
         * (t&wmask) bytes to align, not wsize-(t&wmask).
         * 反向拷贝。否则基本一致。
         * 与之前一样对齐,除了它是以 (t&wmask) 字节对齐,而非 wsize-(t&wmask)。
        src += length;
        dst += length;
        t = (uintptr_t)src;
        printf("(t | (uintptr_t)dst) & wmask: %lu\n", (t | (uintptr_t)dst) & wmask);
        if ((t | (uintptr_t)dst) & wmask) {
            if ((t ^ (uintptr_t)dst) & wmask || length <= wsize)
                t = length;
                t &= wmask;
            length -= t;
//            TLOOP1(*--dst = *--src);
            do {
                *--dst = *--src;
            } while (--t);
        t = length / wsize;
//        TLOOP(src -= wsize; dst -= wsize; *(word *)dst = *(word *)src);
        if (t) {
            do {
                src -= wsize;
                dst -= wsize;
                *(word *)dst = *(word *)src;
            } while (--t);

        t = length & wmask;
//        TLOOP(*--dst = *--src);
        if (t) {
            do {
                *--dst = *--src;
            } while (--t);
    printf("(unsigned long)dst: %lu; (unsigned long)src: %lu\n", (unsigned long)dst, (unsigned long)src);
    return (dst0);

我已经将该函数移植到 Demo 中,可以尝试低地址拷贝到高地址,也可以将高地址拷贝到低地址:

// b -> a
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
NSLog(@"Before: a: %d, b: %d", a, b);
_libkernel_memmove(&a, &b, sizeof(int));
// memmove(&a, &b, sizeof(int));
// memcpy(&a, &b, sizeof(int));
NSLog(@"After: a: %d, b: %d", a, b);

// Before: a: 10, b: 20
// After: a: 20, b: 20

// c -> d
int c = 30;
int d = 40;
NSLog(@"Before: c: %d, d: %d", c, d);
// _libkernel_memmove2 是个简化版本的 _libkernel_memmove
_libkernel_memmove2(&d, &c, sizeof(int));
NSLog(@"After: c: %d, d: %d", c, d);

// Before: c: 30, d: 40
// After: c: 30, d: 30

但在有些编译器中,由于不同的标准库具体实现可能会有所不同。其中最主要的差别便是 memcpy 的实现通常并非一定是安全的,当源内存和目标内存存在重叠时,memcpy 将发生错误:

#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
void *c_memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n)
    char *dp = dest;
    const char *sp = src;
    while (n--)
        *dp++ = *sp++;
    return dest;

上面是 C99 标准库中的实现。下面尝试下,将一个数组的前半截拷贝到其中间的地址,这样源地址与目标地址就出现了重叠部分。需要注意的是,开发者要保证内存是已经分配好的,如果目标地址无法容纳足够长的源地址内容长度,则仍将溢出,发生崩溃。

// e[0, 1] -> e[1, 2]
int e[5] = {1, 2, 3};
NSLog(@"Before: e[0]: %d, e[1]: %d, e[2]: %d, e[3]: %d, e[4]: %d", e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4]);
_libkernel_memmove3(&e[2], &e[0], sizeof(int) * 3);
NSLog(@"After: e[0]: %d, e[1]: %d, e[2]: %d, e[3]: %d, e[4]: %d", e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4]);

// Before: e[0]: 1, e[1]: 2, e[2]: 3, e[3]: 0, e[4]: 0
// After: e[0]: 1, e[1]: 2, e[2]: 1, e[3]: 2, e[4]: 3

// f[0, 1] -> f[1, 2]
int f[5] = {1, 2, 3};
NSLog(@"Before: f[0]: %d, f[1]: %d, f[2]: %d, f[3]: %d, f[4]: %d", f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4]);
v_memcpy(&f[2], &f[0], sizeof(int) * 3);
NSLog(@"After: f[0]: %d, f[1]: %d, f[2]: %d, f[3]: %d, f[4]: %d", f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4]);

// Before: f[0]: 1, f[1]: 2, f[2]: 3, f[3]: 0, f[4]: 0
// After: f[0]: 1, f[1]: 2, f[2]: 1, f[3]: 2, f[4]: 1

结果很明显,c_memcpy(C99 标准库实现的 memcpy)在重叠部分出现了差错,而 memmove 却能够正确的处理。这是因为在 memmove 内部会判断源地址和目标地址的大小,进而进行正向或反向拷贝,从而避免了丢弃数据。
